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LOOK: Celebrities who prove that being sexy isn’t just for the skinny 

by Izel Abanilla

Recently updated on March 2, 2023 06:41 pm

YES, they are plus sized and they, too, are sexy.

Gone are the days when the 36-24-36 measurement is the only standard of being sexy. Now that people are more receptive to all forms of beauty, sexy now comes in all forms and all sizes. 

Curves are indeed beautiful and it’s time to embrace body positivity!

Let’s take a look at some of the celebrities who prove that sexy isn’t just for the skinny. 

  1. KC Concepcion 

Among the celebrities who endured online hate for having curves and not being a size zero is singer-actress KC Concepcion. 

While she has cried foul over unforgiving online criticism, KC has always managed to spread positivity by showing the public that others’ perception of you does not have to define you. 

One way she shows body positivity is by wearing bikinis that show off her curvy assets. 

  1. Ria Atayde 

Among the things actress Ria Atayde is noted for today is the fact that she showed that calendar girls can be curvy-sexy instead of being skinny.  

And true enough, the outcome was rockin’ racy. 

  1. Cai Cortez

Actress Cai Cortez proved that she isn’t only a great actress, but a curvy bombshell as well. 

She isn’t afraid to show off her flabs in a two piece swimsuit, which sends the message to people of all sizes to be proud of themselves. 

Cai is one confident woman. 

  1. Karla Estrada

Actress-singer Karla Estrada proves that she is beautiful in any size. From her skinny-thin days as a “That’s Entertainment” teen star in the early ‘90s to the curvy sexy mom that she is now, she has always been a beauty inspiration to a lot of people. 

  1. Francine Prieto

Back in her heyday as a sexy star, Prieto had one of the most perfect bodies, a lethal combination of a svelte hourglass figure and flawless skin. But gaining weight in the succeeding years made her a subject of online hate as people hit her for getting big. 


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But Prieto has been able to prove that she is beautiful regardless of her size. 

  1. Sharon Cuneta

If there’s one celebrity who has been victimized by body shaming for the longest time, it is megastar Sharon Cuneta. 

During the ‘80s through the early ‘90s, she was among the most desirable women in showbiz. Her beauty, charm, wit, talent and sexy figure all contributed to her high stature in the industry. She even wore the revealing Darna costume at one point. 

When she gained weight, people never stopped attacking her. But the megastar remained positive and from time to time gave advice to people on how to lose weight effectively just like she did. 



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