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Slay the day: PH clothing brands you should try

by Jericho Zafra

ONE of the most conspicuous ways that people express themselves these days is through their choice of clothing. 

Wearing a particular brand has become a status symbol for some people, even though the question of what one ought to wear to school, work, or even at special events is not one that can be debated. 

But not all brands need to be pricey or manufactured in another country to be recognized; sometimes, the real steal is a gem that is available locally and is, of course, good quality.

Here are some Philippine brands to help you slay the day:

Tayo Studio

From the word “tayo,” which means “us,” Tayo Studio is a local clothing brand based in Quezon City. The clothing brand aims to craft inclusive clothing that caters to all women of shape, color, and gender. Most of their clothes are for casual, summer, and daily events that make your style comfortable and embrace diversity.

Shop here: https://linktr.ee/Tayo_Studio

Thy Origins

For all fans and geeks of Greek Mythology, Thy Origins may be for you. The Thy Origins clothing brand makes digitally designed clothing and shorts for street fashion and even for gimmicks. Although they offer a majority of clothing for men, some of their apparel are unisex. 

Shop here: https://thyorigins.com/collections/shirts


For most millennials, you are right. Kamiseta is one of those brands. Kamiseta, which translates to  “undershirt” or “T-shirt” in English, has been one of the most known local clothing brands for girls. Most of its clothes are meant for women’s daily use, like t-shirts, dresses for events, and workwear. And now, it is venturing into skincare.

Shop here: https://www.kamiseta.com/


Founded in 2008, Gnarly! is fueled by the spirit of comic strips and cartoon characters. The majority of its products, such as t-shirts, jackets, and accessories, contain playful comic imagery, slogans, and arcade-themed themes.

Shop here: https://gnarly.clothing/

Tela MNL

Tela was founded in 2019 by a teenage girl named Alyssa. Tela, which literally translates to “fabric” in the Filipino language, is an ethical and environment friendly fashion business founded in the Philippines to provide sustainable solutions by utilizing the fabric. Tela MNL also sells gender-inclusive clothing and other apparel from patched-up garments like pants, shorts, shirts, and other gender-inclusive clothes.

Shop here: https://telamnl.com/

Daily Grind

Back in 2005, Team Manila was the group that initiated the creation of Daily Grind, a clothing brand that makes streetwear. The term streetwear denotes a type of clothing that is popular in youth culture, such as hip-hop, retro, and skateboarding. In addition to t-shirts, they also sell sweatshirts, fanny packs, and caps.

Shop here: https://dailygrindstore.com/

Love local and wear local? Well, these clothing brands can compete with international brands, too. Wear your pride, and raise your flag.

Banner Photo Credit: Tayo Studio

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