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SB-19 Felip flips the switch with new video

by Ron Poblete

FELIP, also known as Ken of SB-19,  lead singer and dancer got fans excited after launching the new video of his solo single Rocksta this week. The hard working star from Cagayan de Oro has been making waves since last year with his solo efforts while the band were getting international recognition. 

As of this writing the Rocksta video has gotten 163,000 views on YouTube since its release. Reaction videos from content creators have followed suit. It won’t be long until his foreign audience will take notice.

The video impressed with an avant garde look reminiscent of classic videos, like  Michael Jackson and sister Janet’s — Scream. The scene with the microphone on fire was noticed immediately by fans and it was also figuratively FIRE.

Recently signed for Warner Music Asia, he has released a couple of singles since 2021 starting with the single Palayo for his EP album. His single Bulan was featured on the Grammy’s website for its unique take and inspiration from ancient filipino mythical deity. 

2022 was a busy year for Felip, along with SB-19 they went on to do a successful world tour, performing in Singapore, Dubai, Los Angeles, New York and more which culminated with a year-end performance at the Head in the Clouds Manila concert.

The EP Complex is due out on February 3, 2023. 

We can’t wait what this Rocksta will do next.

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