Here is a list of Filipino celebrities who are also single.
- Piolo Pascual
When most people are asked “who is the most handsome guy?” they are most likely to answer, “Papa P!” or “PJ!”
Because, why not?
- Alden Richards
Are we really sure we want Alden taken?
- James Reid
Now that he’s officially on the market, who would be the lucky next?
- David Licauco
Hot for chinito? David’s got you covered on this Singles’ day!
- Ken Chan
Wanna be his Aubrey? Pila na!
- Chie Filomeno
Did you say shawty? Maybe it’s Chie.
- Jane de Leon
Wanna experience a date in the heavens? Darna’s got you covered.
- Barbie Imperial?
This girl’s sure gonna fight for you.
- Sanya Lopez
Who wouldn’t want to have this girl for a date?
- Carla Abellana
No questions. Carla is indeed the perfect date.