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KPop group (G)I-IDLE’s ‘Nxde’ hits over 100 million views in 2 weeks

by Athena Yap

MANILA, Philippines – The girl group (G)I-IDLE proved its popularity after its new release “Nxde” hit over 100 million views on YouTube in 17 days.

The new song from their fifth mini album “I love” was released on October 17.

As of this writing, the music video has 105 million views. It is the group’s eighth music video to hit a hundred million views following their other songs “Tomboy”, “Hwaa”, “Hann”, “Lion,” and “Oh My God.”

It is the first time since the group’s debut that it  entered the Billboard main chart, and its album remains in the top spot in domestic and popular videos. It ranked 71st on the US Billboard 200.

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