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Etiquette for theatre plays

by Gaby Agbulos

HAMILTON, The Sound of Music, and the Virgin Labfest: these are just some examples of theatre shows coming to the Philippines this 2023. 

The theatre industry was hit heavily during the pandemic. Shows were canceled and thousands of jobs were lost for months on end. But as COVID restrictions loosen, theatergoers are starting to fill up the seats once more.

Now that we are returning to the theatres, what do we need to remember while watching a play? 


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The thrill of the theatre

Whether for the music or storyline, millions attend theatre shows each year. In New York alone, attendance for Broadway shows has been pegged at 13 million during 2016 and 2017.

Beatriz Sanchez, a third-year student at the University of Santo Tomas, loves going to the theater because she finds it more interesting to watch live stage performances. The 21-year-old student watches twice a year.

She said: “As a fellow theatre actor under [the] Fourth Wall Musical Theatre Group, I find it more entertaining to see people pour their hearts out onstage because I can relate to them greatly.”

Meanwhile, Tricia Villafuerte, a third-year student at De La Salle University, goes to the shows at least thrice a year. Villafuerte sees the theatre as the most magical mode of storytelling. The acting, music, and visual elements of each production all meld together into one beautiful narrative.

Enjoy (with decorum)

Rules depend on where you’re watching from. As Villafuerte puts it: “Theatre rules exist to give everyone a good show, and [to] appreciate the work the production team’s put into the play.”

  1. Be prepared, be punctual

Research the theatre you’re going to.

Check their Facebook page or other socials to prepare yourself for any restrictions or guidelines they may have. If needed, print your tickets beforehand, and bring a valid ID in case they ask for it.

Get there early. You still have to queue and find your seat in what is likely a large and dark hall.

  1. Quiet on the set

Sanches recommends that while in the theatre, you shouldn’t talk too loudly – or if you can, avoid talking at all. 

“I think my biggest pet peeve sa theatre shows are people who tend to react loudly as the scene unfolds,” she said.

She continued: “It’s okay to laugh at a funny scene or cry during a heavy one, but be mindful of the people watching along with you. It’s distracting to the audience and the actors too, so it’s better if you wait for the end of the performance to clap or cheer.”

Villafuerte said the audience should not sing along with the characters. It’s a show, after all, not a concert.

And like in the movies, do not take photos or videos as this is disrespectful not only to the actors but to those who saved up just so they could watch in person. 

Resist the urge to check your phone. Do not take calls or check your Instagram account. Do not attempt to make Tiktok videos either. You’ll have plenty of time when the intermission comes.

And don’t forget to keep the phone on silent mode.

  1. Respect the show

In a theatre show, remember to always respect the actors as well as those seated around you. Sanchez recounted that her mentors once told her that theatre is nothing without its performers and audience. 

Another way you can show appreciation is to clap at curtain call when actors come back onstage to take their final bows. Regardless of whether it’s the main character or Tree #3, cheer for each of them as loud as you can. 

Villafuerte said it’s best to discuss your thoughts with others after the show. 

Some theatre shows hold discussions or panels with the audience afterward, wherein you can either talk to the production team or even the actors themselves. 

Be sure to participate; ask questions, or even just say what you liked about what you watched.

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