
16 fireworks injuries reported since Christmas Eve – DOH

by Carl Santos

THE Department of Health reported 16 fireworks-related injuries from Christmas Eve (Sunday) until Christmas Day (Monday). 

From 6 a.m. Sunday to 5:59 a.m. Monday, the DOH monitored the following: 

-One eye injury from a passive onlooker in a designated area;

-New cases range from 6 to 35 years of age, with only one female;

-Ninety four percent of the cases occurred at home or in the street, and 31% happened in the National Capital Region; and

-Seven of the fireworks involved were legal. 

The DOH has so far tallied 28 fireworks-related injuries this holiday season. 

“Fireworks use both at or near the home and even in designated areas can still harm even those not lighting them,” the DOH said. 

“It is better for professionals at community fireworks displays to do the show with watchers far away at a safe distance.”

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