Students for School Year 2023-2024

New law bans ‘no permit, no exam’ policy

by Carl Santos

PRESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has signed a law that will allow students with unsettled financial obligations to take school examinations. 

Signed on March 11, Republic Act 11984 provides that disadvantaged students with unpaid tuition and other school fees will now be allowed to take the scheduled periodic and final examinations without requiring a permit. 

The new law covers basic education institutions (K–12), higher education institutions, and technical-vocational institutions.

Social welfare development officers in the municipality, city, or province, or the regional office of the Department of Social Welfare and Development shall issue the necessary certificate on the disadvantaged status of the student due to calamities, emergencies, force majeure, and other good or justifiable reasons. 

The definition of a disadvantaged student will be determined during the crafting of the implementing rules and regulations. 

Schools may still require the submission of a promissory note, withhold records and credentials of students, and exercise other legal and administrative remedies for the collection of unpaid fees. 

But the schools may also, without the need for certification, allow a disadvantaged student with outstanding tuition and other fees to take examinations and release their relevant records and credentials. 

All covered educational institutions not complying with the law shall be subject to administrative sanctions that may be imposed by the Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education, or the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

The new law will take effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation. 

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