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Look up! Meteor shower on April 23

by Kiko Cueto

ASTROPHILES, assemble!

A meteor shower will occur tomorrow, April 23, the state weather forecasting center said on Monday.

According to PAGASA, the astral event can be seen after sunset, with its peak expected at  8:00 p.m. 

“So the best display might be seen before the radiant sets on April 23,” PAGASA said.

It added that the “waxing gibbous moon” will also create an effect to the observation of the meteor shower.

Courtesy: AFP

Expected to peak on Tuesday, the Pi-Puppids meteor shower is an annual meteor shower even from April 15 to April 28 every year. 

It is named after its radiant point in the constellation Puppis.

Such is an area of the sky where meteors originate.

The Pi-Puppids are not one of the most well-known meteor showers.

They usually produce a low number of meteors per hour compared to some other showers. 

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