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Three Filipinos dead in Kuwait fire

by Kiko Cueto

Recently updated on June 17, 2024 02:25 pm

THE Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) announced that three of the 11 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who were affected by the fire that gutted a building in Kuwait had already died.

According to DMW Secretary Hans Leo Cacdac, the three died from smoke inhalation.

The victims were working for the same Kuwaiti construction company that was housed in the building that caught fire. 

The DMW is still confirming the status of the other Filipinos.

It will be recalled that the fire broke out Wednesday dawn in a 6-story building housing nearly 200 foreign workers.

It is located in the coastal city south of Kuwait City called Mangaf.

Fire took over the lower floors with black smoke coming out of the upper-storey windows.

It has killed 49 people, according to the Kuwait Interior Ministry.

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