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Son tattooed late mother’s last message

by Bryan Gadingan

GROWING UP makes you realize that our parents won’t be with us forever.

They will leave us with wisdom, and something etched in our DNA – a thing called love.

For many, it is hard to accept or it takes a lot of time. 

A parent. The love of a mother is incomparable. Losing her at a young age is difficult.

Whether due to illness, accident, or other circumstances, the loss of a mother figure has a lasting impact on a child’s development and sense of self. Similar to the experience of Vincent John Tuibeo and his mother. 

Tuibeo of Bacoor City, Cavite, immortalized in a tattoo the handwritten note his late mother gave to him before she died of cancer in 2010. 

Instead of simply storing the letter in a secure place, he thought of transforming it into something that would become a part of you, reminding you of your mother’s love for you every time you see it. 

This was posted by his tattoo artist Alexis Serdeña, who was grateful for the opportunity to work with something meaningful and more than just a simple tattoo being tatted.

In an interview with Inquirer, the tattoo artist felt the yearning of a son to his deceased mother.

“It’s my first time doing a tattoo like this. After I finished the client’s tattoo, I felt his mother’s touching message,” Serdeña told the Inquirer.

Tuibeo also said that his mother wrote him this letter in the hospital to express her gratitude and love for her children. His mother died weeks later, at the age of 37, in 2010. 

The 24-year-old son, who was still a minor at the time, was unable to visit their mother on a regular basis because the hospital was also located far from their home. 

They communicated by exchanging letters because social media and technology in general were not as prevalent as they are now. They have also made it a habit to write letters to each other, especially on special occasions. 

While the sadness of losing a mother will never go away, it can act as a catalyst for personal development and introspection. A loss can help someone find courage and purpose in their path. 



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