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Proliferation of fake travel documents alarms BI

by Carl Santos

The Bureau of Immigration has expressed concern about the proliferation of counterfeit documents being presented by individuals attempting to travel abroad.

In a statement, the BI said a male passenger bound for Bangkok was intercepted at NAIA Terminal 3 on May 21.

The man initially claimed that he was a tourist, but a thorough examination of his passport revealed a valid Malta visa with the word “CANCELL” written on it.

“Officers doubted the annotation on his visa, and interviews revealed that he had been instructed to pose as a tourist and that he was indeed bound for Malta, where he was recruited with the help of a relative,” the agency said.

At NAIA Terminal 1 on May 22, two women presented counterfeit Kingdom of Saudi Arabia re-entry visas, despite their actual intention to seek employment in Dubai.

“One of the victims disclosed that she had met a recruiter on Facebook, who provided them with the forged documents just outside the airport before their departure,” the BI said.

The following day, two female passengers bound for Poland were caught presenting counterfeit overseas employment certificates (OECs), which they had acquired through Facebook. They reportedly paid P500 online for the fake documents.

“These syndicates are issuing fake documents and sweet-talking our kababayans into agreeing to their illegal schemes,” Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco said.

“Never agree to these kinds of arrangements, and only apply through the Department of Migrant Workers,” he added.



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