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“Power nap competition” held in South Korea

by RepublicAsia

JUST by sleeping, you’ll win.

Hundreds of South Koreans gathered in Seoul on Saturday (May 18) to join a “power nap competition.”

With sleepwear attires, participants shut their eyes and felt comfortable for a total of one hour and 30 minutes. The event was held at the Han River Park.

“Our country is known for its competitive society, and the importance of sleep seems to be undervalued,” said Son Ji-hong, 24, who came to the contest with a neck pillow and sunglasses.

Some distractions like feather tickling, whispering, and mosquito noises were used to level up the challenges for the participants.

According to the organizer, they wanted to bring the world’s attention to the importance of sleep, which became challenging for most of the participants. They also wanted to bring awareness about the significance of taking timely breaks and rests.

The participant who has the largest difference between the heart rate before and during the contest will be the winner as it is indicates the best sleep quality. The heart rate can tell if a person is sleeping well.

Lack of sleep is one of the major problems in South Korea. According to the reports of South Korea’s National Assembly, its citizens are one of the most sleep-deprived people in the world.

South Koreans sleep for an average of seven hours and 41 minutes, compared to the world average of eight hours and 22 minutes.

With reports from Jhovie Berasis



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