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“Marupok AF” X-rating results in adjusted playdate

by RepublicAsia

“MARUPOK AF” faces multiple show date delays due to unknown reasons. The premiere was moved from June 19 to July 10, then was made exclusive to Ayala Malls cinemas. 

In an X post, “Marupok AF” director Quark Henares confirmed the reason for the film’s adjusted show date in response to PEP’s column titled: “Marupok AF ni Maris Racal, urong-sulong ang playdate.” Henares said, “So, yes, it’s true. The reason #MarupokAF’s theatrical release got moved was because it got an X rating.”

Following the confirmation of the updated scheduled theater release, “Marupok AF” received the new MTRCB rating of R-18. Henares explained in an X thread that the X-rating from MTRCB was due to the film’s title, specifically the acronym “AF.” The production was prescribed to revise all marketing materials that included the movie’s title. 

In the post, Henares’ attached his appeal to the MTRCB to reconsider the original X-rating to R-16, wherein, four main points were enumerated: first, that the film would have been given an R-16 rating. Hence, the viewers would be of appropriate age to see the acronym “AF.” Second, the revision for all marketing materials with the original title would result in additional cost and time for the producers; this, coinciding with the playdate being pushed back two weeks forward, resulting in financial challenges towards the movie’s team. Third, in the possibility of the issue being the difference of the promotional title and title sequence, Henares pointed out that multiple international movies shown in the Philippines have done the same. Lastly, they compared Hollywood films to Philippine films wherein the former uses the “F” word freely while the latter warrants an X rating.   

Moreover, the director pointed out issues around the original X-rating, namely the double standard toward Philippine vs. Hollywood films where Henares said, “If you watch a movie like ‘Deadpool’ the F-bomb is dropped every 10 minutes. Why should that get an R-16 while we get an X for not even showing the word “Fuck” in the opening title?” 

He added: “Even more absurd is that we were allowed to show the title “Marupok As Fuck” in full during the end credits.”

Henares shared that the X-rating could entail a discriminatory reason due to the love scene with trans actress EJ Jalorina. Though there was no nudity in the film, the use of “Marupok AF” in the opening title might be a misdirection. 

Henares concluded their statement wishing MTRCB could show more transparency and fairness in how they rate films. 

“Marupok AF” was inspired by a Twitter thread that became viral. It tells the story of Janzen Torres, a hopeless romantic who is catfished after matching with a seemingly perfect Theo Balmaceda. 

The film casts Maris Racal, EJ Jallorina and Royce Cabrera for its leads.

With reports from Catherine Jules C. Juvida


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