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Gen Zs shower moms with love on Mother’s Day

by RepublicAsia

MOTHER’S DAY has just gone by but the gratitude and love that we have for our amazing moms are never-ending.

On Sunday, May 12, Filipinos honored all moms and mother figures on Mother’s Day for their countless sacrifices and unconditional love for their children.

Being a mother can be exhausting, as it’s a 24-hour job with no days off and salary. Quitting is not an option in this role. But even with a tough job, our moms still make sure that they put us first, even if they are already having a hard time.

And we, their children, are forever grateful for everything our moms did for us—from enduring the pain when they gave birth to us, to the innumerable sleepless nights to attend to our needs, to their unwavering patience as we grow older.

Gen Zs took Mother’s Day as an opportunity to show how special their moms are and to express how grateful they are for them.


James Anduyan, 21, has a long list of his mom’s good qualities. But if he would choose one trait that would best describe her, it would be “consistent.”

In an interview with republicasia, the journalism student said that his mom has been consistent in waking up early to prepare food for her family. He added that his mom always makes sure that they arrive safe wherever they may be.

“Whenever I leave our house, she sends messages like, ‘Nakasakay ka na bhe?’ or ‘Anong sinakyan mo?’ And upon my return in the evening, she would ask me to tell her when I’m already near home so she could wait for me on our street,” said James.

He continued, “Her consistency in doing these things never fails to amaze me, reminding me of how fortunate I am to have such a very special and caring woman in my life.”

His mom may not be a perfect one, but James said that she is someone who he can fully trust and rely on.


Meanwhile, Lauren Nazal’s mother is someone who does not give up on any fight easily. And for the 23-year-old student, this is what makes her mom stand out.

“My mom is a fighter which, I think, is what makes her special,” said Lauren of her mother.

She said that she has not seen her mom back down from challenges. Through her boundless strength, her mom has always been able to stand up for herself and for her family members.


Louisse Kalingag, 22, did not grow up with her mom by her side because of her mom’s work. Her mom has been an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) in France since she was six years old.

Despite being oceans away from her mom, Louisse never felt that her mom left her side. She acknowledged her mom’s hard work to provide for her children, even if it meant being away from them.

“I can say the thing na special sa nanay ko kasi kinaya niyang itaguyod kaming tatlong magkakapatid nang siya lang mag-isa,” she said.

 She added, “So ang nanay ko talaga, isa siyang supermom kasi matapang at malakas siya kahit alam naming nahihirapan na rin siya at kailangan niya ng tulong.”

Expressing gratitude

These young individuals have various ways to show their appreciation to their moms.

James said he always tries to put a smile on his mother’s face by making funny jokes and giving her random hugs at home. Other grown-up kids may get shy about showing their affection to their moms in public, but James feels otherwise. He said he never forgets to give his mom a kiss whenever he leaves home. 

“I guess because of the bond we’ve already established, showing my love to her doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable even as I grow older,” he stressed.

Lauren, on the other hand, said that she conveys her gratitude to her mom by giving her gifts and spending quality time with her.

“I try my best to always help her with some house chores and her errands so that it will lessen her burdens,” she said.

Considering her mom’s situation, Louisse said she gives thanks to her mom by not asking for material things like clothes from her.

“Hinahayaan ko na lang na siya magbigay kung may ibibigay siya but I never ask para no pressure sa gastos and hindi rin siya mapagastos nang malaki,” she explained.

Messages for mom

James, Lauren and Louisse relayed their heartfelt messages for their moms this Mother’s Day.

James expressed how “grateful” he was to be her son and promised her to “give the best life” she deserves in return. 

“I want to thank you and dad for raising me in an environment where our voices are heard, our feelings are valid, and showing love to each other is not uncomfortable. Thank you for making me feel what a real home is. I can’t wait to finally pay you back once I get a job,” he said.

Lauren had a short yet sweet Mother’s Day message to her mom, where she thanked her for everything she had done for her family.

“Happy mothers’ day, momma!” she said. “I’m glad you’re my mother. I love you!”

Louisse said she was blessed to have a mother like her mom, and that she was “best” mom she could ever ask for in this lifetime.

“I owe her everything and she is my source of inspiration. I love her dearly,” she said.

We hope that we, their children, will always make our moms feel loved and appreciated, just like how they always make sure to shower us with unconditional love and endless support.

With reports from Joanna Deala and Katelyn Julianne B. Miralles
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