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DOH: Vaping up among youth

by Kiko Cueto

THE Department of Health expressed alarm over the rising number of youth aged 13-15 years-old who have ventured into using electronic cigarettes and vapes.

While the use of tobacco has steadily declined in the Philippines for over ten years, DOH-Health Promotion Bureau representative Armund Arguellas noted that the Filipino youth have shifted to electronic cigarettes with a 110% increase in just four years, or from 11.7% in 2015 to 24.6% in 2019.

The DOH also said that they are looking at the emerging forms of smoking such as Electronic Nicotine/Non-Nicotine Delivery Systems (also known as electronic cigarettes or vapor products) and Heated Tobacco Products.

Data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), 14% or 1 in every seven students aged 13-15 years old are already using e-cigarettes.

Courtesy: AFP

Among the major factors that resulted in the reported increase include: easy access, with 77.1% of youth users saying they brought the products from stores, stops, street vendors, or kiosks. 

Likewise, vape products are easily bought and promoted online.

The Global Adult Tobacco Survey said that there is a 44% “relative decline” in tobacco with the younger generation 2007 to 2019.  

The adults also saw a 33% decline.

Vape products are being presented to entice youth and smokers, which they said is an alternative to smoking, claiming that it is healthier and safer. 

It is being marketed as toys, school supplies, and confectionery even with fruity flavors. 

Health professionals had been actively stressing that vape products does not mean that they are safer than smoking as it put the country at risk of an epidemic or e-cigarette or vape-associated lung injury (EVALI).

EVALI is said to be a medical condition that causes lung damage from substances contained in vaping products. 



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