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Converge: Services to be fully restored by 12 noon, June 17 

by Kiko Cueto

CONVERGE Information and Communications Technology Solutions Inc. said that services should be back by now, as they had targeted noontime in restoring their services, with their users complaining of connectivity issues starting early in the day.

According to the internet provider, the connectivity issue started around 9 a.m.

It did not provide further information on the cause.

“We have addressed the issue, and our services are being restored. We expect full recovery of your internet connectivity by 12 noon today. A service ticket is not required,” the advisory read.

According to the company the users who would continue to experience connectivity issues after 12 noon, are being advised to reboot their modem and do simple troubleshooting.

They were also advised to send a message to its support team should the issues persist.

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