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Childhood video games you can still play today 

by Deanna Macaranas

Recently updated on September 27, 2023 05:25 pm

ONCE upon a time, your younger selves likely spent a good part of the day playing video games, whether on the phone or on a desktop computer. 

Video games were a part of the childhood of most millennials and Gen Zs. We cannot deny the fact that these have added fun into our lives while growing up. 

Ever thought about revisiting the old good days? 

Here is a list of video games that will surely give you a sense of nostalgia.    

Plants vs. Zombies  

Ready, set, plant! 

Back in 2009, this game became a massive hit not only among millennials or Gen Zs, but also among members of the older generation. 

People of all ages got hooked planting laying down plants to protect their homes from a zombie invasion.  

Want to know the best part? Plants Vs. Zombies (including the sequel) can still be played on both android and iOS devices. But if you’re the type of person who’s into playing video games on desktop, Plants vs. Zombies can also be installed through Steam. 

Courtesy: PopCap Games  

Robot Unicorn Attack  

Raise your hand if you’ve played this on your iPad. 

Robot Unicorn Attack is an endless running game where the only objective is to make your “wishes come true” by tapping to move the unicorn to avoid pitfalls and collect points. 

Still can’t remember it? 

Perhaps the game’s theme song Always by Erasure will help you remember.  

Unlike with Plants vs. Zombies, Robot Unicorn Attack can no longer be found in either iOS or android devices. But it can still be played through CrazyGames. 

Courtesy: crazygames.com  

Grand Theft Auto III 

Until now, the Grand Theft Auto or GTA franchise is still booming and enjoyed by older players and Gen Zs. 

But despite its new updates and contents, Grand Theft Auto III will always remain recognizable due to its advanced gameplay. It marked the shift from 2D top down perspective to 3D first person perspective. 

It also uses the “sandbox” gameplay concept that gives the player a large degree of freedom to move around and explore the game’s environment. 

Courtesy: twitter.com / @GTA6_Central

The game can still be played in both iOS and android. But if you’re someone who’s into playing games on a computer, The Grand Theft Auto III can still be downloaded on Steam. 


It may not be decades old, but we all know how iconic Tetris is. Along with Pac-Man, Tetris came out in the 80s. But it still receives a lot of recognition amongst gamers who’s into retro games.  

Tetris can still be accessed through its own website. 

What’s the highest score you’ve aimed for in tetris? 

Courtesy: tetris.com  


When was the last time you last played Minecraft? 

Courtesy: twitter.com / @Minecraft 

Whether you’re playing in survival or creative mode, there is no denying that most of us got addicted playing this as a kid. And if you happened to be part of Generation Z, you probably wasted most of your break time (during elementary school) throwing a large amount of ender eyes in the sky in hopes of finding the end portal.  


And last but not least, DOTA. 

Courtesy: Steam

Remember those days when you spent the last bit of your baon just to play in your local computer shop? You can be a League of Legends player or even a Counter-Strike player, but upon seeing the computer shop’s posters, we know you probably chose DOTA.

Computer shops may be rare nowadays, but the good news is DOTA 2 is available on Steam, which means you can play it without having to go out. 

Among these games in the list, which have you played before? Let us know!



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