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Scooping! New Budol Gimmick on Tiktok Live Selling

by Athena Yap

“So ito ‘yung gagamitin nating scoop para maka-kuha ng assorted items,” TikTok seller @rebrandbycsr said on her TikTok post.

RebrandbyCSR is among the live sellers doing the scoop strategy while live selling.

Live selling is still doing well in social media platforms, particularly on Facebook and TikTok, especially since the pandemic began in 2020.

Hence, retailers have formulated another approach to sell, that is “scoop living.”

From at least P50 to at most P1,499, various product options are available to customers. Among these are display items, skincare, make-up and more.

For every retailer, each of them have different “scoop deals.”

Most of them have a set up where they are inside an inflatable pool surrounded by their products and other fillers to keep the suspense.

For purchasers, there is a sense of excitement because of the mystery brought by the scoop they availed.

While retailers are likewise feeling the thrill of their customers upon waiting for the orders.

Because physical stores were closed and there were strict restrictions when going out during the height of the pandemic, live selling became popular.

Some people found convenience in buying their wants and needs through live sellers to make sure of how the object would seem on them.

In live selling, the tindera could describe how the item fits or works. In this way, sellers could guarantee that the item they are selling is not fraudulent.

Since its peak, multiple live sellers came up with various strategies to sell. They had ways where they put games to engage and to gain more shoppers.

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