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What not to say to people with mental illnesses #WorldMentalHealthDay

What not to say to people with mental illnesses #WorldMentalHealthDay

by Gaby Agbulos

Recently updated on October 15, 2024 04:50 pm

WORLD Mental Health Day is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health. And it is high time to educate ourselves and be sensitive to those struggling with mental illnesses.

You may not realize it, but some common phrases can offend or invalidate those facing mental health challenges. Here are things to think twice about saying:

  1. “It’s not that big of a deal,” or “You’re being dramatic.”

Yes, it may not be a big deal… for you! You can call us dramatic as much as you want, but a lot of the time, we cannot control how we feel. 

These comments minimize the struggles of those with mental illness. Just as you wouldn’t tell someone with a broken leg that they’re overreacting, it’s important to acknowledge that just because you can’t see what we’re going through doesn’t make it any less hard. 

  1. “It’s all in your head.”

We know. It’s called a mental illness for a reason. 

A person with anxiety will not stop being anxious just because you told them to. A person who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Bipolar Disorder cannot regulate their emotions at will.

We are trying, but sometimes our illnesses get the best of us, and not everyone can afford to go to therapy, or to be medicated. The best thing to do is help us through these difficult moments instead of making us feel bad for having them in the first place.

  1. “Your life is great! Other people have it so much worse.”

The struggles of others do not negate our own; it’s not a competition. 

Anyone, no matter where they are in life, can be dealing with mental illnesses that others may not be aware of. On some days, even the smallest of tasks can feel like climbing Mount Everest. 

To those with mental illnesses, remember that your feelings only need to be valid to you for them to matter. You don’t have to explain or justify them to anyone else. 

As long as you know that you’re trying to be better, little by little each day, that’s all that matters. 

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