FRIENDSHIPS are the type of relationship that naturally requires connection, mutual understanding, and most importantly — respect. There are several types of friendships and everything depends on how it was built, developed and maintained.
Shared bonds that eventually turn into memories are among the most cherished aspects of friendships.
Jaymar Lagor, a 19-year-old BS Education Major in Mathematics student, shared that friendships are similar to romantic and family relationships. However, friendships represent a source of support that is close and personal, where one would never consider masking oneself.
“Friendship is a really complex thing. Some friendships may seem weak when combined with intimacy, while others are strong enough that the bonds resemble those of family,” Lagor said in an interview with republicasia.
But there are times when friendships come to an end. For the sake of peace and self-respect, it shall end.
Zoomers are pretty much invested in protecting their peace by surrounding themselves with good people. Many from this generation have different perspectives when it comes to how friendships work and how they end.
However, ending a friendship does not equate to the world ending.
The art of growing apart
Not all friendships last forever. Despite the length of time, some relationships must come to an end. This could be due to moral differences, clashing principles, or simply outgrowing people and their interests.
Growing apart requires a great deal of courage, empathy and communication. Courage is needed in acknowledging that not all relationships are meant to last. Empathy involves understanding and the ability to hear and comprehend the other side of the story. Communication serves as the tool to make everything possible.
By voicing out thoughts and feelings and comprehending the situation, both parties will eventually become aware of what truly led to their drifting apart.
“Most of the friendships that I witnessed, ended due to miscommunication. Although I acknowledge that things may get more complicated than a failed communication, I strongly feel like everything can be walked through if only it is communicated effectively,” Lagor said.
Beyond the painful progress of growing apart lies the beauty of acceptance; that to give way to new relationships and opportunities, some connections must end.
“If it would result to our genuine growth and if it would open doors for opportunities and great relationships, then growing apart isn’t actually a bad idea,” he added.
Accepting this will eventually lead you to prioritizing yourself, by stepping away from relationships that no longer give you positive connection.
Growing apart doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Sometimes, it’s also a way to embrace imperfections and improve for future relationships.
Picking yourself up: Just as hard as building friendships
Building friendships up to their finest details is challenging, especially when it was spent with so much grace and happy memories. However, what is even harder is picking yourself up after a relationship that once brought joy and peace has ended.
Holding on to something that no longer brings positivity or improvement is akin to remaining in a place where damage occurred.
People might not realize the underlying peace that can come from leaving, especially when it once broke you.
So always remember, to leave or to be left is okay. It might hurt for a while.
The world won’t end either way.
With reports from Alexis Fei Caceres
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