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Skills in demand in PH freelance job market

by Gaby Agbulos

THE job market has never been a stable place; every few years or so, the most in-demand jobs continue to shift around, seldom ever being able to hold on to that number one spot.

At present, for example, software developers, virtual assistants, and social media marketers are some of the most in-demand jobs in today’s market. With the progression of technology and society in general, though, there’s no guarantee that this will stay the same. 

This is why you constantly need to hone your skills: to ensure that you’ll be able to find work no matter your course or whatever else. If you’re unsure of where to start, here are some of the skills that are currently most in-demand in the job market today. 

  1. Design

As per Cohen Wisniewski, the Global Manager of the website Freelancers, design and programming are some of the skills currently most in-demand not just in the Philippines, but in the world. 

Visual and graphic designers are particularly sought after in this day and age, so if you were slacking off when your teachers were telling you about Adobe Photoshop, it’s time to study up. 

Some things you need to learn about in relation to design, for example, are branding, coding, typography, design principles, interactive media, and of course, Adobe’s many forms of creative software. 

Others you may also need to study up on are the aspects of RGB and CMYK, Ux design, digital technology, as well as photography or photo editing.

  1. Programming and Website Development

Seen as the second most sought after skill in the job market, programming is seen as important because it means being able to solve practical problems using logic, algorithms, or problems. 

Included in this are making prototypes, analyzing data, automatic tasks, and of course, coding. 

Here, you need to be well-versed in different programming languages such as HTML code, C++, or Javascript. The more programming languages you are familiar with, the more likely you are to have a wider net of opportunities falling at your feet.

In line with this, website development is a specialization under programming that’s also very in-demand at the moment. Here, you need to know how to create websites that can be used on any platform, whether it be on desktop or mobile. 

Aside from the aforementioned programming languages, it would also help to have a grasp of .NET, Web API, Angular, CSS3, LINQ, T-SQL, XUnit, Moq, and Karma.

  1. Data Entry

In data entry, you’re tasked to enter data into a certain service or database online. This data also needs to be constantly updated. 

Here, you need to be well-versed in your technical skills because this includes sorting data, scanning documents, reviewing data, building and organizing data management systems, and the like.

Some skills in particular that are important in data entry are communication and software. 

It also helps to be fast – and of course, proficient – at typing, and being detail-oriented, because even the smallest of errors can cause a number of issues in the future.

  1. Virtual Assistance

Filipinos are known all over the world for their impeccable English skills, with at least 80% of Filipinos able to understand English, and 55% able to speak it. 

Aside from being able to speak in English, being a skilled virtual assistant means being able to do administrative work, accounting, as well as scheduling. 

In short, it means being flexible to do all kinds of work concerning your business. With being a virtual assistant, you also need to have technical prowess when it comes, for example, to social media management, website maintenance, graphic design applications, and Microsoft Office. 

You also need to have skills in critical thinking, time management, marketing, sales, and customer service. And, of course, you constantly have to know how to adapt, adapt, adapt.

  1. Copywriting

If you’re unaware of what copywriting is, it essentially means making a piece of content or writing more interesting to readers. If you’re not well-versed or are hopeless when it comes to your technical skills, then perhaps this would be easier for you to learn. 

Here, you create copies that encourage your readers to partake in certain actions. 

Required for this is being a flexible writer, because you will be tasked to make various texts such as blog posts, press releases, product descriptions, emails, advertisements, newsletters, public service announcements, social media captions, and the like. 

You may also need an active imagination if ever you’re asked for concepts or storyboards. 

Here, you need to take into account not just the external materials of your company, but the internal ones, as well, such as internal memos and policies, surveys, and the like. 

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