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How long are Gen-Z’s nowadays exposed to gadgets?

by Deanna Macaranas

KIDS are impressionable beings but do they have what it takes for them to understand what is being presented to them? 

Due to the constant adaptation of technology in this digital age, it’s not a new thing for children to own or have access to their devices. And due to the pandemic lockdown that had happened approximately 3 years ago, it is evident that the use of technology amongst kids had increased. 

From being able to keep up with their studies, to being able to communicate with their friends through the use of gadgets. A hundred reasons can be thought of when it comes to the perks of being able to access devices and Gen-Z’s being hooked on a device is no longer limited when it comes to one’s leisure. 

For Dante Lopez, a college student majoring in Communications, the use of technology is very essential when it comes to his life. “I hate to admit it, but it is an essential part of my everyday life. If I want to know what time it is, I check my phone. If I want to know what tasks need to be accomplished, I check my phone.”  

In terms of academics, for both Jenny and Yuriko—two high-school students taking the General Academic Strand claim that they use their devices so that they can easily take notes of their school lectures. The same thing goes with them when it comes to doing and passing their school projects. 

Numbers of pros that were mentioned by them being able to use their gadgets are: 

  • Being able to have an easy access to their task and school works
  • Phone being a multi-purpose item due to the device having cameras, flashlight, notepad, and a music player. 
  • Being able to easily call someone.
  • Easy access to maps if you were to get lost. 

“Anywhere I am, I could contact anyone without the hassle of finding telephones. It can also be a sort of stress reliever whenever something or someone clicks me the wrong way. The convenience of accessibility is very satisfying.” A statement shared by Dante.  

Even if we are to experience a lot of pros from what our devices have to offer, it is evident convenient things can always come with a great price. 

For Jenny, they claimed to experience a thing with what most of us would refer to as “FOMO,” an acronym that stands for the phrase ‘Fear of missing out.’ 

“The cons of having access to your devices at all times include the fact that we are becoming increasingly dependent on our technology. Ever heard of FOMO? Fear Of Missing Out? That occurs when you take away somebody’s phone. Our brains are so wired to our phones that when we lose it, it’s as if we feel this sense of vulnerability/anxiety.”  Jenny added. 

The same experience goes with Dante, with him sharing an example of him being in that state. “An example would be at the dinner table with friends or family. Someone could be calling out to you or expecting you to contribute to the conversation but since you’re glued to your phone, you could be killing the vibe by not engaging with them.” 

Other than having the fear of missing out on things, Gen-Z’s are also prone to the following consequences in terms of the use of technology. 

  • Lack of sleep 
  • Distractions that keep you from doing your tasks. 
  • Vision problems 

Along with the side of Gen-Z We might have heard a lot of reasons on why certain use of technology is important for the people who grew up in this current generation. But despite the ease and convenience that gadgets provide to Gen Z’s, it is no secret that this generation is still vulnerable in terms of safety and the use of technology. 

A parent that goes by Mrs. M is a mother of two daughters ages 10 and 18-years-old. And upon a quick interview, Mrs. M had shared her thoughts regarding the increased use of technology amongst Gen Z’s. 

Shehad shared her thoughts regarding the said situation—claiming that on a daily basis—1 hour is enough if it’s only for leisure purposes.   

Meanwhile, the interviewed Gen Z’s claimed that average time of their gadget exposure for both leisure and schoolworks reach up to the minimum of 10 hours.    

Despite the following Gen Z’s providing pros and cons regarding their use of technology, Mrs. M has a lot more cons to say especially when it comes to kids safety when left unsupervised. 

“If left unsupervised, they will have a chance to abuse the use of phones. They will chat with strangers—leaving them a prey for pedophiles.” 

Mrs. M also expressed her fear of children having to witness something sexual—claiming how it is every parent’s fear.    

Aside for being a prey for predators and the fear of kids witnessing something inappropriate for their age, Mrs. M had also elaborated on how kids are to believe everything they see on the internet. 

Aside from that—she had also talked about the tendency of kids being immediately hooked on a technology especially when they are fond of graphics that are being presented to them.  

“Working parents who tend to use devices as a ‘yaya’ are not as good as their kids’ attention span gets low. There is also a tendency for them to become irritable, especially when it’s colorful and funny for them.” 

“The mind of a child is like a sponge because they just tend to absorb everything that is being presented to them. They can’t explain the contents being presented to them—they will just develop a sense of impatience due to the instant gratification they get from it.” she added. 

Mrs. M also stated a negative effect called ‘Withdrawal Syndrome’ which can be experienced not just by kids but also with adults. 

“Withdrawal Syndrome can make children act up and if the kid happens to be addicted, they’re going to be bothering you to open the password for them. And since none of us really wants to fight, we would just give it to them.” 

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