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Cat talks: Learn what your cat is trying to tell you 

by Deanna Macaranas

COMMUNICATION is key, this is a phrase that we often hear whenever we’re emphasizing the need for clear communication.

However, as much as we’d like to push this through—in the case of our furbabies, having to communicate with them requires more understanding as they can’t easily voice out what they’re trying to say in a manner that their owners can understand them clearly.  

In the case of cats, they have unique ways of communicating with their owners. Sometimes this could be in the form of a “meow,” or through their body language by rubbing against you.  

Do you sometimes wish you had the superpower to understand what your cat is trying to tell you? Look no further; here’s a list of ways to understand the art of cat communications. 


The sound of meowing is the most common way to get their owner’s attention, this could mean that they’re trying to ask for food or a form of greeting. 

Through the form of a short meow, generally means “hello,” in hooman communications, meanwhile a drawn-out meow can be a form of demand such as “Feed me now you hooman slave!” or “Pet me.” 

A yowl or a longer and higher pitched meow could mean anger or when they’re in pain, but if this is being targeted to another cat, they’re in their territory and don’t want them there.  

While cats have a unique way of ‘voicing out’ what they’re trying to say, don’t forget to acknowledge if they’re unusually vocal as this could mean a sign of illness. 


Aside from meowing, purring is also considered one of the common ways on which a cat communicates. 

Through purring, this could mean that they are happy, contented, and relaxed.  


At some point, we all heard our cat hiss, and naturally–this comes off to us as they’re feeling threatened and frightened by something within their surroundings. 

Usually, this type of vocalization means that it’s a warning that you should back off–if the request wasn’t justified, an aggressive act could follow through a bite or a scratch. 

Slow blinkings 

How often do you encounter your cat blinking at you? If it’s often, you should feel very happy as this indicates that they trust you. Aside from trust, slow blinking from your cats is their way of telling you that they love you. 


Just like with the slow blinking, kneading is one of the physical affection that your cat can give. 

Through kneading, it shows that your cat is relaxed and happy–this is especially when they choose to sit on your lap. Kneading involves the cat spreading their paws into the chosen surface.

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